so i finally was bothered enough to go and take some lovely pictures of my first sampler quilt. i managed to piece this all back in january and had it quilted not long after that. my apartment is so small and ill lit that i never really got great pictures. well today, i just had to get outside. it was forecast to be about 95F (that's around 35C for you english folks) so it was a beautiful day! i figured, now is a good time to knock this baby out.. luckily, i know a place with some shade so i could get some decent pictures, et viola!

and, of course, i tossed in my matching pillows for fun. i LOVE these pillows! i did the quilting on those myself. my first quilting experience on my machine. not too shabby! i was pretty impressed with myself for putting piping around the outside seams too. i'm good, me.

i'm planning to enter this beast in our state fair in August. last year i entered the quilt i made for my momma. it didn't win anything, but it was still awesome to see it displayed there. i'm excited to see this one displayed too. and maybe it will win something coz it's a little more complicated than just squares. i'm a little nervous though since it is so white. i'd hate for it to come back with a mark, but these are the risks we take.

i love this quilt, and i think i will love it forever more.
if you are interested in making this quilt, i followed a quilt-along which you can find here. this is the first week of the quilt-along; i trust you can find the other weeks... this lady has some awesome tutorials for other quilts/projects. she's awesome! :)
Wow - I am so impressed. Who knew when we met in 2005 that we would have this crazy quilting/sewing obsession in common haha.
Back to the blanket... its gorgeous! Thanks for posting the QAL - this is def going on my never ending to-do list :)
What kind of quilting do you do on this? It looks like stippling but I can't quite tell if its that or just crinkly like a quilt should be :) Details... I need details haha. I like your color choice better than the pattern from the QAL... it's so striking, will be interested to see how it does at the fair. Def. take pics of it hanging up there!
I can't even imagine how you pieced that all together. I am not sure if this would be appropriate but I spray my wall-hangings with Gcotchguard. Could you do the same to stop it getting marked? Lovely traditional quilting, maybe I could convince you to come to the darkside one day? Haha x
How strange, I just found Amanda at crazy mom very recently, and had to do her quilt along star quilt too. Though mine still awaits quilting because we (self and daughter, star quilt is a joint project) want to random quilt it. And need lots more practise before we ruin it!
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