since finishing the bag i had sitting unsewn for almost a year, i got inspired to make another. i wanted a nice big bag to cram in all my crap. i surfed the web a little to find some inspiration, and came across the (expandable) pack it in tote. the pattern was cheap enough, and although i could have worked it out for myself, it has good instructions on how to do the scary looking gathers around the bottom, and sides of the bag, therefore saving me some time and effort and tears.

a few months ago, for my birthday, my mother-in-law sent me a couple packages of lots of her old scraps. (most not being scraps, but a good chunk of fabric!) well, she also sent me a HUGE piece of corduroy. i love it! my hubby wanted me to make him a sport coat out of it, but i'm not feeling that adventurous just yet. so i decided to use some for this bag. isn't it gorgeous?!

the next largest piece of fabric i had was this greeny gold flowery stuff. and it works perfectly with the colour of the corduroy! YESSSS!

i love that the sides are expandable so if you have a TON of stuff, no problem! untie the sides and squish it all in. this is the kind of bag i would have loved during all my travels. and i'm sure it'll come in handy in the future when i have a ton of kids to worry about.

now.... just to annoy the husband, i have to think of some other colours to make this one out of again and again. i'll have half a dozen before he knows it! :D
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