i was so excited to find in my mailbox a few days ago these delightful beauties. ever since i first saw the hometown fabric by sweetwater, i knew that one day, i would have some. i indulged and only got a couple of charm packs, but i couldn't be happier...

don't you just love these colours? and the patterns are gorgeous. but i really like this fabric because of the hometown theme...

i found my current 'hometown': Boise.
i grew up with my family moving to different towns every couple of years or so (although a little unconventional for some, i wouldn't have changed it for the world!) and as a result, i don't feel like i have a solid hometown. i was born in Belfast, Northern Ireland, and that's where my extended family all reside, but i haven't lived there in over a decade. i'm more of the mindset that the whole world is my home. every new town i move to, or pass through for that matter, becomes a part of my life. at one point, i existed there. that's why i like this fabric so much. a lot of these places have been, are, or will be like a home to me. :)

i'm excited to make my next project out of this fabric. i have already earmarked it for something special in my home.

one thing i LOVE about precut fabric are the edges. as a slightly OCD person, i LOVE how the edges are all neat and orderly and how all the notches match up exactly. such a simple sight, but it makes me feel so good. it takes me a while to open these packs and start working with them because i don't want to disturb the order! anyway, i'm off to sew and write up a few tutorials i have prepared...